Prophetic Determinism – Driving (Part 4)
28/06/19 I don’t know how to phrase this, I seem to lack the vocabulary, but what I want to say is that there are certain things that have already been decided. An outcome of an event that has already been decided even before that event occurs. The decision behind this event lies in statistics. Or simply human nature. Like, it is statistically likely to happen, even though it is still up to probability. And also, that the person who is in power to decide, has already made the decision independently before the event, so it is like the event never happened at all. And yet, if I count on this probability and let my guard down, it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy of failures. In this driving school owned by the SGX listed (literally the only thing that is possibly unique that I know about this company because I fucking stalk their stocks, so I say this to not say the name though it is obvious) taxi company, the driving test passing rate is some 50++%. Which means that out of ev...