AY2022/23 Semester 2 Module Ramblings


Or rants vaguely related to school. Problems. Really.

I like your funny words, magic man. Magic man, as referring to Denji. He speaks funny words. Volume = pitch and quads = glutes. The most egregious of which is belief = practice.


I am not sure why I feel qualified to make predictions now (6th May), when I have not even finished submitting my assignments. I have one pending forum post. It is worth up to 8.5%. But I think I’ll just skip that one. I am tired.

CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems

Predicted: B+

Actual: A

I want to extend my gratitude to Denji for helping me with the lab assignments.

Dining philosophers are just as fun as I had almost learnt them one and a half years back. Too bad they didn’t manage to somehow relate the josephus problem to operating systems, that would’ve been cool.

CS4222 Wireless Networking

Predicted: B

Actual: A-

Once again, I want to extend my gratitude to Denji for helping me with the group assignments and project.

I don’t understand why the fk would the prof not record the lectures. Who the fk wants to attend a 6.30 to 8.30 pm lecture. And if you wanted to upload youtube videos, why the fk would you not just use the lecture, instead you gotta rerecord yourself talking to a screen. Anyways I don’t remember anything I learnt. That’s probably because I didn’t learn anything. Rushed all the lectures twice at 6x speed and then at 1.5x speed within a few nights. First to see Denji’s annotations. And then to actually try and absorb the content, but by then it was too late, and my mind was in all sorts of places. Some real-life application of Wireless Networking is probably that I can’t get data signal on the plane. I was surprised to learn this, actually. I inserted my secondary sim card when I saw that the plane had entered the borders of Europe for which my data plan had coverage for. I tried restarting my phone a few times, but it was unable to connect to any network. This is probably because the phone network is based on a connection to the phone towers, and phone towers have a radius in which it can connect. This radius is probably smaller than the thousands of meters which the plane cruises at. That’s probably why I was unable to connect. But I was sleep deprived and wondering if I had been scammed by ICC. A CS student is supposed to know this. Silly me.

GEH1079 Whatever It Takes? Making War on Civilians

Predicted: B+

Actual: B+

My group was the worst lmao they fked me over. Dachau was good.

Again, why the fk would the prof not record the lectures? Who the fk will go to school just for a 1k module’s lectures? Actually, me. And because everyone here kiasu af. Most people actually end up attending the lectures.

PE2101P Introduction to Philosophy, Politics, and Economics

Predicted: A-

Actual: A-

My group was the best…maybe just this one guy who edited the whole video was the best.

Why the fk would you record the lectures from zoom instead of using the wonderful facilities in the lecture theater, is something I will never understand. Oh but at least there are recordings! There are a surprising number of scholars and very elite students in this class. But maybe it shouldn’t be surprising because this is PPE after all. The project was way too open ended that I ended up cooking chicken rice for a boy. Of course, I ate too, but when majority of the project effort is cooking with the remainder being repeating the stuff in the lecture…idk.

PH3246 Paradoxes

Predicted: A

Actual: A+

Watashi was the best. Actually, prof was the best and I’m sorry for disappointing you, but I don’t have the courage to try to be published.

The best part is that it never really feels like a class and more of a conference. But that is also the worst part because of all the anxiety it causes. But it is also an expected amount of self-selected learning meaning I didn’t do some and did other. And it was alright to miss a few classes. And a surprising number of juniors. But maybe not so surprising because this class is known for being chill.

PH4201 Philosophy of Science

Predicted: A-

Actual: A

Physics was the best.

And I don’t remember most of what was taught / most of what I learnt but according to prof that is to be expected and that was the intention? So that’s good. A lot of students in the class said they were science or social science students but ended up being very familiar with doing philosophy? Is saying that you are interested in science, in a philosophy of science class, a flex, or a humble thing? Philo of Bio got me feeling like I’m not enough of a feminist, that I am not woke enough.

PH4262 Nietzsche

Predicted: W

Actual: W

Nietzsche was a fkin meme lmao the best. The classmate sitting next to me who had a flower name was not the best. My panic attacks were the worst, though they were very Nietzschean.

What in the blond beast, we started of with a recitation of Hamlet’s “To Be Or Not To Be” soliloquy. I liked that. And then Dostoyevsky’s “The Brother’s Karamazov” Ivan’s (such a fever dream amirite) problem of evil or something. And I thought I would do well in this because Hamlet and TBK are both classic works that I enjoy. But I wept twice. Because of anxiety because I really have no clue what was going on. And also because I was tired from 6 hours of lesson straight. But it meant I should drop this. And I have the chance to redo this module. I don’t know if I want to. I want to, I don’t know if I should. Because Nietzsche is like really confusing yknow.


And now all my friends are graduating, and I have no friends left in school. It is a lonely feeling. Very Nietzschean, threatening to push me over into the Camusian. And I don’t even have that many friends. Or I don’t even have friends. Just that everyone I kinda know is graduating. Eve, Denji, JL, Rei and Hans (though no longer know them), everyone.


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