Knowledge – XX4206, XX3203, CS3250 Part 2


For all we know, CS3250 is a non-existent module.

Something about Hume and the beauty of knowledge as the unattainable girl out of your league who friendzoned you.

The striving for something that stops me from quitting.

Though I don’t think it will be easy to quit.

I…cannot experience the joy of acquiring knowledge.

Some philosopher somewhen must have had remarked something along this line, I guess.

Learning is difficult. Increasingly, my neurons find it hard to make new connections, and I take a long time to understand things. Only to forget them. Over and over and over again.

But once a piece of knowledge is made known to me, it just seems so trivial and immediately apparent. Like, the “OH!” moment. But in the same moment it becomes so so trivial. Or maybe this is a good thing. I get to experience the joy of gaining knowledge over and over again.


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