Dialogue with my brain #2
26/04/21 24/04/21 3.15am Read somewhere that you should write something to sort out your thoughts before seeing a psychiatrist. And you know what? Even if I end up blowing it off, writing something will still be useful, I guess. Possibly the description that has struck me the most / phrase that has stuck with me the most is “it feels like the world world is on drugs and I missed the part where they were handing out the stuff.” Seriously. How is it that everyone is so happy all the time? Hans is stressed for a few days and then he’s fine. Eve is…actually doing really well now? And all of them are attached. Even that guy is feeling better, as he describes it. How is it that everyone regains their love for life so quickly? I cant focus on anything. Watch me try to open the lecture slides and end up gooing on a 5 hour youtube detour. Because that’s easier than doing work. I have about zero discipline. Would be great if I could actually. Bathe daily. Brush my teeth twice a day. Eve...