Something Something Interview Something

 22/03/12 0140h

Sashimi you love interviews.

You have grown up.

From someone who would shiver and cry before an interview because you are so scared of talking to people. To someone who did not care about anything at all and just went for interviews for the sake of going, instead of because you wanted something.

Now, you go for interviews because you want to get that job. Getting an interview is good because it means that you are making progress. And you want to go for interviews.

Well, you still suck at answering questions. And you still haven’t get your motivation and sleep sorted out. You wake up 10 minutes before the interview, roll out of bed, and are grateful that you didn’t wake up 10 minutes late instead. You give a one liner introduction with only your name. You will likely panic before this next one because its literally a make or break. You need to give a good impression and get this shit or you will literally die.

But you have grown.

That Primary 6 kid who didn’t know what they wanted, and just applied to that school with that new-ass Integrated Programme school just to try it out and actually spent weeks preparing for the interview. I can’t actually believe it. 12-year-old Sashimi put in so much effort to gain me entry into the 6 worst years of my life. (That’s just hyperbole, I do believe primary school was worse, and so is life now.) I do always say that every other school is just as bad. But to think that I put in so much effort. More so than now.

Perhaps that was the last time I felt motivated to do anything. I dunno.

But I really wish I can get this bob. Jib. Job. You are hopeless, Sashimi, you really are.

Practice visualization? I dunno. I haven’t done this since the TP test almost 2 years ago.

I suddenly want to be drunk to forget all these troublesome things.


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