What I would do if I had a Million Dollars. Or 10 million.

03/07/20 (am)

A la the spirit of this article https://dollarsandsense.sg/win-toto-lottery-receive-huge-inheritance-singapore/ , I have decided to “seriously” contemplate what I would do if I receive a sudden windfall. Be it from lottery (which I morally object to), or from finding some cash lying around. Or a game show, or something. Or from something like the Sheng Siong Show. Or some Lucky Draw. Which I am less morally opposed to.

Because thinking about impossible things is certainly more interesting than writing about how I fucked up my investing during the first ever recession / market crash I was able to experience. (I swear I’ll get to that. Someday.)

If I had a million dollars.

If I had a million dollars, I think the first thing I would want to do would be to buy some property. Then I would be able to milk that sweet rental income and real estate appreciation. Yea, I know it’s a renters’ market out there right now. Whatever that means. I saw that somewhere and it happened to stick with me. But owning property at 21? That’s just sick.

But as I’m not even 21, it probably won’t be possible to buy property for the time being. So perhaps parking it in a bond or some endowment or fixed deposit or high-interest savings account that can just beat inflation.

I saw on property guru that the smallest ones in Singapore are around the ballpark of 500000 SGD. So, I can pay cash for it. But there are some in JB that cost less than 400000 SGD. But I don’t know how safe it is to own property as a Chinese in Malaysia. So that will probably not be a wise idea.

That still leaves a few hundred thousand around. Certainly, give some to my family members, lol. If each person gets some 50000 there would be around nothing left already. Probably just buy some endowment fund or something that give some 3-5 % interest rate.

Can I live off rental income of a small one room condo? I doubt so.

Ugh. A million dollars actually isn’t even that much, lol.

If I had 10 million dollars.

Now, WOAH. Its just a factor of ten, but it gives me so much more to work with!

There isn’t anything I’m doing currently that I would stop doing if I were to suddenly come into a huge sum of money. My current “job” is just studying, and its quite pleasant. But perhaps I would stop focusing so much on my grades. And perhaps I can look into other courses that are more fluff. Perhaps like arts. Or even start planning to do a post-grad in medicine or something just for the sake of it. Take that, dad.

Also, WOW. If I actually had 10 million dollars, I can actually pursue my dream of studying my entire life instead of working.

Start: 10 million

Lets assume some ceteris paribus that real estate income scales in proportion to property cost. Then I would perhaps buy some 3 million worth of local property and use that for rental income. Sicccc. I don’t know if it would be good to get landed. Or multiple apartments.

Left: 7 million

Overseas property doesn’t sound so far fetched also. Perhaps a house in the US and rent that out. Also, some land in developing SEA countries if it is possible. Somewhere to the tune of 2 million worth.

Left: 5 million

Perhaps a 100000 gift to my family members each this time. More than enough to cover the young ones’ studies. If I might give away 1 million in total.

Left: 4 million

At this rate it would be asinine not to buy a CAR. But even then, probably a second-hand one that cost less than 100000 over 10 years. Or 10000 a year in depreciation at most. Because it is still a depreciating “asset”. Also, it would have to be something SMALL. Because parking is a pain in the ass. Even steering is difficult with a big car. Lol.

Perhaps one good way to make my money grow would be to invest into a lot of growth stocks. Or small ass companies that have potential. Also, cryptocurrency. Perhaps find some 75 companies with potential and some 25 cryptocurrency coins. And place 10k in each. And I just realized that that would add up to a million. Ok perhaps just 5k each, then. Which will add up to 500000. I will place another 400000 will go to some established cryptocurrency that have potential. Or gold if I cant find any. Like, legit gold. Or try to find a swiss bank if it is not possible. Or some reputable money holding place.

Left: 3 million

Whew! Perhaps I’ll place a million into REITS and other dividend paying stocks. That will leave me quite set for life. I’ll use the rest to…PLAY!!!

Left: 2 million


Let’s play it safe and top up the max of CPF first. Even though I can even migrate if I want to, with such cashhhhh. But that is over a million, I just realized. Perhaps not so much. Just 500000. And let it compound its own way to a million. But what is a million when I have 10? I will also place another million into roboadvisors. Perhaps split across 4 robos, with 250000 each.

Left: 0.5 million

Would I still want to trade forex when I don’t need it to survive? Actually, perhaps it would be even better. Because I can be rational because I don’t need that money. Lol. it’s a romantic thing to be a trader, me feels. So, I will still go ahead with it. Reserve 100000 for my forex education and start-up cost. And I realise that this doesn’t even account for school fees if I were to study forever, lol. so scrap that idea lol. Simply not being tied to corporate will make me so glad.

Left: 0.4 million

Hmmm... to burn on drinks and drugs? I don’t know man. Perhaps a cold cash bank account or like, some life insurance or some endowment fund or bond that can just so much as beat inflation. But which is not CPF. Ill place 200000 in those.

Left: 0.2 million

Finally. I think I will be quite comfortable with spending this frivolously if I have done everything else right. If I were to spend 2000 a month it will last me some 8 years not accounting for inflation. Wow. That is such a huge sum I don’t even know how to spend it. I don’t even spend a thousand a month right now. lol. even if I spend 5000 a month it will last 3 years. And all the other sources of income… I am flooded. Lol. probably treat everyone every time I go out. Haha.

With that, I can probably afford to bring the family for trips at least once a year. I’m like, damn good at saving money. Lol. with a 20k budget each time? Sicc. And maybe the friends too. Whoever doesn’t hate me and whom I don’t hate lol. Like, ill probably pay for their accoms and flight just so they are less financially burdened and able to travel lol.

Probably commit to a regiment of donating at least 10k a year. I don’t know man; donating isn’t really my thing. Probably cos I am a broke kid now. perhaps that is how rich people donate. Because they don’t know where to spend their overflowing coffers.

Buying nice clothes, nice shoes, Lululemon shizz, shiny tech devices…

Or perhaps be a more experiences person. Trips overseas. Clubbing nights and buying a fucking TABLE lol. Gym subscriptions.

And GODDAMN how did I forget about this. Shooting club memberships! And I can literally pew pew pew every week lol. Dance lessons, theatre lessons…the possibilities are endless.

And I will definitely morally obligate myself to pay for all my family’s monthly expenses, lol. if I had 10 million. It would be blasphemy to not do so.

More frivolous things to spend on: adult toys and fetish shit. Lol. as if I can even find someone to play with.

Having nice food everyday literally don’t be a problem.

If I somehow need to find my own place to stay that will be another story. But certainly, I can save up to do so without eating into my investments.


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