Possibly a Productive me?

17/06/20 (again, in the AM lol)

Following up on yesterday’s ramblings. I may want to start trying to track my food and trying to do actual intermittent fasting with the 16/8 or 18/6 schedule again. Probably I won’t try to make vegetarianism the focus this time. Because the failure will just overwhelm me, lol.

Currently I am already kind of intermittent fasting? Because I don’t usually eat breakfast. But the problem is that I am eating supper at like 3am lol. That has got to go.

Perhaps I’ll try to limit my eating window to be from 12pm to 8pm, or 1pm to 7pm if it is possible. With some exceptions for coffee and tea in the morning. But I am not sure if I want to make sure that the coffee is 0 calorie by using pure coffee. I mean, if I want to circumvent that I can just drink after the eating window starts so that I can add milk and sugar.

Also, an exception for fruits and some dessert at night. But certainly not other snacks or supper meals.

Hopefully this will help me to lose the last few pounds…goal would be around 111 lbs…why the fuck am I using imperial units.

I may also start a weekly meal tracker. I am afraid that it will cause me to go into tracking obsession and start tracking everything. Actually, I’m already tracking my weight and sleep in google health. Hmmm. But I would prefer pen and paper for the meal tracker, though. Instead of like, some app. Heck, that is a lot of things to track…

And if I want to really focus on the weight loss, maybe it would be better to weigh at standard intervals instead of whenever I feel like it. Perhaps once a week. Like, Weigh-In-Wednesday or something, and make it a habit.

I also want to try to make a daily routine. I did yoga this morning, sometime after waking up. It was quite good, enjoyable.

So, here is a tentative list of things that will be in my morning routine.

·        wake up between 7am and 9am
·        Brush teeth (5min)
·        Make bed (5min)
·        Cup of coffee (20min)
·        Yoga / exercise (20min)
·        Some kattis problems (1hr)
·        Brain dump (5min)
·        Clean one section of room / throw something away Marie Kondo Style. (5min)
·        Day plan (5min)
·        Breathing exercises (10min)

It is largely inspired by this video by the YouTube channel Passion Planner.

As for my nighttime routine, here it is.

·        Cup of tea
·        Go to bed between 11pm and 1am
·        Brush teeth
·        Stretches
·        Read
·        Brain dump
·        Things to do the next day
·        Fill in tracker

I mean, I will probably be unable to complete all of that.

Also, I heard that it is good to have a weekly / monthly / yearly routine of sorts?


·        Weigh myself
·        Floss teeth?
·        Facial mask / self-care
·        Long distance run?
·        Draw tracker charts
·        Budgeting
·        Investments review


·        Works review and workouts plan
·        Budgeting
·        Savings account tracker and travel fare tracker?

For yearly, I think I really need a dental checkup, lol. Its been more than a year.

But that is too much and I shall not dwell on it. I will probably try to implement these routines at the start of July. After all, its HALF THE FUCKING YEAR GONE!!!!!

I want to try to complete the CVWO assignment. But I feel guilty for doing it instead of CFC or Orbital. So I haven’t started. I think with a plan, it should get better? Ugh.


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