Ommmm Yoga

30/06/20 (am)

I started doing yoga recently. Of course, it will be great if I can do it every day, but I am human, and commitment is difficult. So, I’m only doing it whenever I happen to wake up in the morning on the right side of the bed. Or at night when I don’t feel like sleeping.

I’ve been using the Down Dog app. Which is a paid app with 3 free sessions before they start forcing you to pay. But I’ve been creating new Gmail accounts after each one runs out of uses. And I think its pretty good. Apart from the fact that with different accounts I can’t track my practices. But I’m certainly not gonna buy it…its too expensive.

Has it helped with flexibility? I don’t know. I am naturally flexible, and I’ve been trying to stretch every night anyway. Strength? I can’t tell either.

But the main benefit that I have realized is the calm. The stillness. During Savasana at the end. Where you just lie down and try to relax everything. There is a wave of calm that washes over me. Like the world around me disappears and I am fully present in the moment. And after that I’m sweaty and on the floor and refreshed and more ready to not be sad and not yeet. And that was probably the intention of yoga and the final Corpse Pose.

Come July I am going to try to commit to doing yoga every morning. For 30 days. Another 30-day challenge! Wow.

I want to try to do some minimalism also. 30 days of throwing away, or recycling, or giving, or using up something that I own. In an effort to reduce clutter. Which is in a large part caused by the financial guilt I feel for buying useless things which I didn’t use and its just taking up space in my cupboard because I feel guilty for wasting money if I were to throw it away. As if that money is not already wasted, lol. I should just throw them away and get over my wasteful spending and learn from the lesson to not buy useless stuff in the future.

Hopefully these two things which I set out to do will help me to find some inner peace with myself. Or at least force me to stop being a fat slob that wakes up at 1pm every day and doesn’t bathe for over 3 days at a time.


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