Would I do anything differently if I were 12 again, with all my current knowledge and life experience?
31/05/20 (01/21/20) I find myself regretting a lot of things recently. Thinking, what could I have done differently at this time? Or that time? How will my life be different now? I see my peers of the same age enjoying themselves. Meanwhile I am a depressed bag of sadness. Paranoid and obsessive over my results, having severe social anxiety, my friends either hate me or my friendship group is in pieces. Hence herein lies a thought experiment of what I want to do with my life if I were to be 12 again. Of course, my severe anxiety and possible Asperger’s means that even if I were to be a 20-year-old in a 12-year old’s body, I may still screw up majorly. For all intents and purposes, I go back to the day of my 12 th birthday. This would mean I have already by passed my DSA interview to the school that I will spend the next 6 years of my life in. I am pretty sure with my current confidence I would be able to cope with the interview. But that was a major hurdle that I did not expect ...