Will I read War and Peace?

31 Jan 2019

I actually have two other drafts of actual topics that I put thought and research into. But instead of actually concluding and posting them, I decide to write this instead, about a whim I have.
I will make a promise, which I will likely break, just as I have all my other promises, which I have no one to be accountable to.
I have decided to read war and peace. I'm sure I can find it online, given that it's a 19th century novel after all. Probably a crappier translation, just like all the copies of Les Miserables available online. But I guess I'll just try to resist researching about which translation is better, else I'll be sad just like I was about Les Mis. Because ultimately any novel translated never retains it's essence.
So what happened was:
  1. A riff of the Great Comet Musical was going through my mind. It was a part of the Private and Intimate Life song. And while sitting at a desk I really wanted to listen to the Great Comet cast recording.
  2. My favorite music player app Xiami doesn't have the album. So I downloaded SoundCloud using precious data (but it doesn't matter cos it's the 31st today) and there was a recording of the entire musical? Like, all the songs joined together.
  3. So I played it and I listened to the songs in order. I listened to The Duel. Whereas previously I had only made my way to Intimate or Opera.
  4. I was enamoured with the lyrics and had to search it up on the Genius website.
  5. Which showed so many lyrics which were all book references. Its so cool.
Therefore now I just gotta read it. Preliminary investigations have showed that War and Peace has 361 chapters within 15 parts? I think so. That means that reading a paragraph a day would allow you to finish it in 1 year. Of course, I'm an impatient bitch and I can't even buy the book. I'll make do with the online copy. PDF if I'm lucky, Gutenberg if I'm unlucky. I won't even go to the library. The library tickles my inner kleptomaniac. Even though I am a law abiding citizen in Fine City Singapore. I would just rather not have all the psychological torment of desiring the book. Maybe when I earn enough money I will buy the Wilbour Les Mis translation. That may take ten years (or more) for me to get to a comfortable position whereby I feel like spending on books is o-k.
Anyway, I plan to read 4 chapters of War and Peace each day, at least, which will allow me to finish the book in three months???
And I have to study for my FTT urgh.
And I may get around to writing reviews for the books I read recently, Meathooked by Marta Zaraska, and Atheism: All That Matters by Dyan Evans.
I will start reading on 1st Feburary. lol


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