Need for self-expression

25 Oct 2015

Song of the day: viva la Vida by Coldplay
As roman philosopher Cicero says, one cannot conceive anything so strange and so implausible that it has not already been said by one philosopher or another. And this, is the extensiveness of what philosophy encompasses. Practically everything. The word philosophy is made up of the Greek wordsφιλώ and σοφία meaning kiss and wisdom, and philosophy refers to the love of wisdom.
Seeing an event unfold and warp up before your eye and immediately making a comment about it, except you don’t say it aloud, but try to think about how this comment can be applied so many more situations. And slowly, you shape a complete argument about how events of the particular kind comes about, and all the stuffs about cause and effect. This is completely independent thought! And when that argument actually becomes so all-encompassing, it’s basically philosophy in the making already. Or perhaps you look at a colour or hear a song, and just so suddenly gets inspired with an idea. You proceed on to develop on it. That’s also exactly the process of how quotes, or even discourses are formulated.
It then follows that anyone can be a philosopher. Some philosophers are prophecy makers, such can be said of Karl Marx and Lenin. Some push their ideas on others, like Lenin, while others wait for situations to start going as they said it would, like Marx. Some philosophers spread their ideas far and wide, through the means of media, by speech, by print. Without focusing too much of impossible goals, in me there is still the aspiration to be as great as the philosophers that make the Renaissance and the Enlightenment what it is, as well as defined the height of Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman (perhaps?) civilizations.
It seems that to be able to actually orate and spread an ideology successful people first need to learn to formulate concise thoughts, and then even this is not enough because this person also needs to know how to express these highly convoluted thoughts into digestible prose. Following this, one of my goals in writing would then be to debate and convince myself of what is the best argument, and to formulate it and write it out, in the process figure out my nature and exactly, who I am with these excess philosophy.
Next, Mankind has progressed thus far, and to be considered a developed country the existence of compulsory public education is a must. And such is a developed city I live in where I could claim that it discriminates the rich and tethers on the edge of communism and disrupts social order. Anyways, this basically means that the disadvantaged or disabled are given many advantages, enabling them. Due to not being as “complete” in the eyes of society, they are so too often given the benefit of the doubt. In this situations, epileptics who are usually fully functional get to blame their seizure attacks for any forgetfulness or tardiness or truancy that may befall them. Asthmatics get to blame their lack of oxygen whenever they need to explain how come they are unable to stand up independently at the age of, say, 12 and need to commission (without any benefits at all) groupmates to do their school homework and everything else. Anyone else with any medical condition in school are also always given a huge berth around their comfort zone, safely and soundly.
I am blessed with good physical health, even if I may constantly be suspecting the possibility of me having Asperger’s, or clinical sadism, or depression. Being healthy means that I have to be a lot better than those people with less blessing of health in order to be treated as having achieved the same amount of success. And by the law of nature that nobody is perfect, it would then be impossible to rid of all of my weaknesses. Thus the only way to achieve this over success if by being highly aware of by strengths, and capitalising a lot on them. This would lead to the same goal as the above, one of self-realisation of my good points and making use of them. Hopefully I don’t become too narcissistic while doing this.
And then there’s my tendency to make hyper-long sentences because it’s fun how the sentence structure is albeit complex. And in trying to imitate the writing style of famous writers such as Machiavelli or Charles Dickens(completely unsuccessfully), or perhaps just developing my own writing style that doesn’t in any form resemble any familiar style, I can lose track of what I’m writing because it’s just too difficult. Another goal I have in starting to write blogs is thus to develop my writing skills to be more concise, because after all I’m just fifteen and I need to know how to write to survive university?
And I presently realise that I have taken more than a day working at this blog post, and I am still in the process of writing. And this is really, really, really slow. Perhaps by writing often I may just happen to develop the skill of writing faster? I sure hope that.
Now, isn’t it a nice feeling to know that I am doing something that I may or may not enjoy (writing), but it’s purely of my own desire to do so and the only desired outcome of which is my own improvement. Nothing to do with trying to please other people at all, and this is definitely something that I can be proud of myself for.
There are four people whom I know enough in real life, to know that they blog. And since this number practically encompasses the entirety of my hikikomori-like social life, I wonder if there are actually many people around me, such as classmates, who blog too?
One of the blogs is a half partially and sparsely written guide to the game Inotia 3, and I would say that the use of the English language in this blog is cute, as well as the use of emoticons, and the last “to be continued” is never fulfilled. She uses a pseudonym, but is obvious enough if you bother connecting the dots, and a pseudonym is a sign of insecurity, I guess? *cries*
This other blogger appears to talk about her large goals to do with becoming a lawyer or a psychiatrist? The ambitions are, well, really ambitious, which makes it in a way too idealistic. Anyway, the blog itself talks of her own life philosophy, and that’s perhaps similar to me I guess?
The third blog I know is a blog that describes itself as such “Positively Nice. Makeup Reviews and Beauty – Shop Singapore. Drugstore, high-end, from girl to lady, all your women needs!” this person isn’t a classmate but a teacher of mine. And she has a YouTube channel to fulfil her “cosmopolitan needs” as she fakes an American (maybe? I don’t know?) accent while being an obvious Asian. She too uses a pseudonym.
The last blog (or website) is also by a teacher as well. And this teacher obviously has a much stronger sense of duty considering how the blog is entirely made up of physics and more physics. Both of them are science teachers, but it’s amazing how what they do online can be so different.
And if I were to expand my social circle would I find that most people do blog as well? This will be a lot of people. And combine that with the “spamming accounts” that many classmate appear to have multiple of, based on their conversations that I overhear, and they use these accounts to stalk celebrities and do their fangirling. Be it BlogSpot, Tumblr or WordPress, I’m surprised that the servers are not yet filled to the brim yet. Anyway, there’s for my “introduction”. And here I come!


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