how this site has saved me a bit

13 Oct 2018

(too lazy to use Microsoft word to draft, and too lazy to press the shift button)
this site is called disillusioningillusion, it means a disappointing illusion, the illusion of life, it is something that i imagined that isn't real. so it means me being disappointed by what i imagined life will be, when it turned out to not be true.
and so during my mid year exams in 2017, there was an essay question which had the word "disillusioned" in it. and bless, but almost everyone in the cohort of thirty-something people didn't know what it means. and while i didn't score the highest for that exam, i guess i was one of the only people to interpret the question correctly. which makes me feel quite nice. and i wouldn't have heard of the word "disillusion" if i didn't write on this site.


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