Fuck those Global Warming Deniers

19 Jan 2019

In this day and age, it has become a kind of trend or fad to deny climate change. And the people who do so think they are being edgy, like neo-Nazis denying the holocaust. Fuck, it has been over five centuries since Columbus died, and there are still people who think that the earth is flat and think that they are better than everyone else because they are the bearers of some important and special truth that not only cannot be experimentally proven, but is also illogical to common sense.
Its this kind of people who call out “big pharma” at anyone taking supplements and medication to alleviate their health issues. The kind of people who are anti-vaxxers, who prefer to use colloidal silver and coffee enemas to cure cancer rather than the proven method of radiotherapy. As someone who has seen people cured of cancer, and seen people die from cancer, I am insulted. Are my eyes and the black and white proof of clinical studies not enough?
Well I guess I can’t expect too much in this world which is going to shit because of poverty, and terrorism which poverty is partially the cause of. And natural disasters which threaten to kill, becoming more common every day because of anthropogenic climate change. Then of course people would turn to religion to give themselves hope of a better world than this current shit hole. With people in the 21st century still fighting for, rather than against religion, how can we ever expect an awakening?
And of course, people would turn a blind eye to the systematic terrorism which is still endorsed by the UN and major governmental organisations. That of the constant and daily genocide of animals reared for food. And the rape of the earth by big corporations looking to make a quick buck and get away with it, blatant disregard to the health of the earth and all.
And yet still there are people denying the holocaust. There are people on the other side of the spectrum who make loud remarks about the untruth in religion. Actually, these could be the same person. Which goes to say that dumb people exist on both side of any debate. And there are radical anarchists everywhere, some prefer a communist state yet refuse to pay taxes, others prefer a completely free market and ignores the beggars at their feet and the countless homeless.
And there are people who want to undo the effects of globalisation. By undoing immigration and deporting all the “foreigners” back to where they supposedly came from, even if they were born in the country and actually a citizen by birth. Like, fucking sorry, but what’s done cannot be undone. Y’all supported Truman and his reconstruction plans. Y’all supported Reagan and his spreading of the red M into the second world. The last chance to undo globalisation was the Cuban missile crisis.
And imagine what the world would have been if the other Russian commander in the submarine pressed the red button too, way back in 1962. And no, the current terrorism epidemic isn’t large enough, neither is North Korea’s threats. We are at an era of stability despite what the media choses to paint. It’s been almost three quarters of a century since the last major cross-continental war.
Einstein’s “the fourth world war will be fought with sticks and stones”? No, the downfall of civilisation will not be brought about by the use of deuterium and tritium bombs that kill everyone with radiation. It will be caused by the earth becoming so unliveable because of fucking global warming, that everyone gets heatstroke and die. Then the 97 percent of scientists who understand how we humans have caused global warming, will be prepared with an underground bunker.

There are people who still believe that homosexuals should be stoned to death. McCarthy anyone? And on the other hand, those truly deserving of the title “libtard” because they force their neurotypical and normal children to take hormone blockers and essentially force transsexuality onto their children. While this are the extreme minority I believe, this only goes to show that people are irrational bitches.
There are the anti-natalists, and as the world population increases beyond the threshold point of the Malthusian theory, they are still mistaken as annoying anti-humans. But what is truly deserving of criticism is the anti-choice people who still prefer to have their own kids who carry their DNA rather than adopting the many orphans in need of a home. Seems like human suffering is the delicious cream on top of the pie for them.
Well this is the short summary of the people I meet on the internet on a daily basis. Is this typical of people? Or is this just the ultra-conservatives, the anti-establishmentarians, etc? Or is it just a problem with the corner of the internet that I have been spending my time in.


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