Drunk Girl Eats 10++ Fishballs

9 Dec 2018

I mean, I don't know what to say.
While laughing about balls with her friends.
After eating lots of meat.
(And I mean it literally, for once I'm not being dirty.)
While another friend remarks that the eggs fishballs are really oily.
There were probably about 20 fishballs in the plastic baggie of which she ate most of them.
I mean, how many spheres of diameter 1.5 inch can you fit into half a A4 sized plastic baggie?
It was quite a funny sight.
I had 2 fishballs that night.
I mean, I dont know what to say.
We end up throwing a lot of food away.
And I realize that barbecues are a bad idea and I probably will not be going for one in the time being.
One reason because I intend to fail try at veganism. And next because I saw streaks of charcoal-looking black stuff in my mucus while blowing my nose after that.
All that smoke probably isn't too healthy.
And the threat of salmonella from food of dubious degrees of cooked-ness.
So back to the fishballs.
I don't know if I feel sad of what.
She went right to sleep after eating.
I need to try chuggin' an entire bottle of Absolut someday. I can probably steal it from my uncle's cellar now that he's kinda "severed-ties" with my grandfather. There's bottles of Bacardi too.
No the drunk girl isn't me. Though I was kinda drunk that night too.
Ok here's a plan, so if the cellar and the bottles are still there after next Chinese New Year, and the two grown men make no sign of patching up their relationship, I will raid the cellar.
But urghh. I'm way too cowardly.
I mean, what other adjectives can you use to describe a wannabe (but too shy to stand up to her beliefs) vegan with botanophobia?
I was supposed to go travelling and then buy some spirits. But guess I won't be travelling anytime soon because my parents are...Idk.
Its seriously fucking cheap, the alcohol in the duty-free shop, when you are not paying tax. Less than thirty dollars for a 1 Litre bottle of Absolut? Lick my fucking arse. When normal supermarket spirits are like 60-80 SGD for a fifth of spirit.
Or maybe I'll get some absinthe. Because the green is very Grantaire-esque. Its even mentioned in the Brick, so fuck my life.
The fishballs.
I feel really pathetic.
I've never eaten a real beef salami before. But a quick google search reveals that pork salami is also real salami. And soon I'll be Veggie.
My pathetic arse hasn't even seen the world.
I only knew the word "salami" because of History lessons on the Cold War, where "salami tactics" were a Soviet thing for the meat and sausage obsessed Europeans.
I have yet to see the world.
I can chew on an entire (shaved) raw carrot like a fucking bunny. But I am not a carnivore.
And the foods I claim to like will soon be gone.
Like sashimi. Slicing up slowly.
Slices of fish and meat.
Slicing up My Heart.
Raw fish and meat.
I am bleeding.
I don't have enough blood for this nonsense.
The 10-20 fishballs which the drunk girl ate.
Before going to sleep.
I hope that one day, with enough writing, I will heal.
That I will not get drunk and eat a whole bunch of food.
Drunk girl eats 10++ fishballs.


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