Don't Eat Instant Coffee Granules - 40 Hours No Sleep

09 Dec 2018

Don't pour a sachet of instant coffee powder/granules into your mouth. Its bitter shit and kind of sour and tastes bad. Instant coffee is palatable if you add some hot water and some soy/almond milk before chilling it to 0-5 degree Celsius.
Image result for instant coffee sachets nescafe
I was dead sleepy 40 hours after waking up at 10 am 6 December, going for an exam, followed immediately by a barbecue, party, having the equivalent of a 1-2 drinks in cider/vodka mixers (when 50 mls of wine usually leave me half asleep.) Then not sleeping for a night while listening to roaring thunder, and waking up at 5 am to see the sunrise, then walking around a bit, playing half a day at a water park, then a few hours of wii games, going for dinner, then watching a pretty scary slasher movie from the 80s. (Heathers the 1988 movie. I downloaded it in the middle of A level exams, like what was even thinking. I wanted to watch the musical actually, but somehow I downloaded the movie instead, and at 9 pm, 35 hours after waking up, I was too tired to find another download. The movie was quite good...Though the Que Sera Sera at the beginning and end was cringy. And I don't really understand the ending.)
Then at 1 am the technically the third day of me awake, I had a bunch of stuff to clean up before I could go to bed so I decided to eat some pouring a sachet of instant coffee granules into my mouth. It didn't work out, firstly because the hole I cut in the sachet was too small, and secondly because it just tasted so bad.
I think it was my first time being awake for 40 hours, no big deal to most I guess.
And yeah! Now that exams are over I can drink as much coffee as I want, whenever I want. Because I had pretty bad insomnia during exams and I wanted to get some sleep before my papers. But I'm pretty certain that I cheated a few times. But anyways coffee is life. But I gotta find some vegan coffee/black coffee, because I'm recently starting to realize that drinking the milk of another species makes no fucking sense. Of all the vegan arguments this is what I find most compelling.

Edit 141218 0210h
My adenosine receptors are fucked up by fucking antagonists.


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