Demonic Interview Part 2


The context of this shall be found in the corresponding WordPress post. However, at risk of ZUCCING myself in the midst of all these FAKE NEWS debate, I am still unable to name the interviewer. However, other bloggers in Singapore have spoken out against this interviewer, even though they have been offered the job and a number choose to reject it due to differing beliefs between the interviewer and themselves.
The final round of interview happened on a Friday. At 2pm. I was the first of a long list of at least 8 other candidates. So, I think the dude behind me should thank his lucky stars that I was in front of him, and the first candidate of the day at that, for setting an extremely low standard for them to beat. The young man behind me had a scowl on his face, and wore a short sleeve denim button shirt with black jeans. I think that was casual. What’s more, he even wore a cap to hide his National Service up-do.
Having already resigned the fate of my life to becoming a hikikomori, and to earning money as a day trader, given my extreme social anxiety, I went into the interview kinda unwillingly, and merely wanted to give a completion to my rejection, instead of ghosting on them like how my driving instructor ghosted on me, I went in with absolutely no preparation. I was asked to arrive 30 minutes early, but I hung out in the library next to the office till the very last minute, and finally went to change into my formal interview clothes at exactly 1.30pm. and only entered the office at some 1.45pm.
I went in expecting to flunk the entire thing and that’s what I did. To be honest, it is no challenge at all to meet my expectations. The panel was of great help. This final round of interview was conducted by the board themselves. No random I/O psychologists that speak vaguely and judge your every word. Unfortunately, the damage has already been done. The panel of three wise men and a middle-aged lady (Or so it is said to be, there were four people looking like interviewers, and two minute takers on either end of the table. There were at least two male interviewers, and the last triangle I don’t know if it’s a male or a female. And me in the bottom a very small circle.) were armed with an arsenal of information about me. Educational transcripts, my writings, and notes they took from the previous round of interviews with the crazy fucking psychologist.
They didn’t need to judge me because the psychologist had already done the judging for them. What I briefly mentioned to the psychologist was taken to be “daddy issues”. I said that I was INSPIRED by my father, which is the one and only truth, he is indeed inspirational in many ways even though he has many flaws (including but not limited to being a gambler with an accounting degree, and being a religious student who went through high school science) but he is still an inspiration in all good forms of the word. He is not just a muse, but an actual inspiration. And hellishly, owing a little to my tired brain and language deficiencies characteristic of a Singaporean from a neighbourhood school, the psychologist sufficiency misconstrued my words to mean that I was “applying for this job ONLY AND ONLY BECAUSE my father told me to”. And though we live in a patriarchy that is no doubt, but she also was able to say that I take all my directions from my father, and she was able to coerce me into agreeing with her. And there it went onto the notes. Which the interviewers of the board had.
So, the interviewers were able to throw my words back at me. How oppressive really. My friends tell me I’m destined for greater things than working for an oppressive employer. And they said “here it is written in the notes that you are applying for this job because your father says it is stable and offers good progression”. And they ask me if that is true. And it is in fact a truth, but it is an incomplete truth. IN A COURT SETTING, IF I SAY THAT IT IS TRUE, I WOULD BE CHARGED WITH A CRIME OF OMMISION. But I just told the interviewers that it is true and didn’t bother adding on. Be judgemental all you like. I honestly don’t care for a 600k-1M salary if it is a toxic environment.
The psychologist was also able to paint a picture of me that procrastinates all the time. CONGRADULATIONS. Indeed, you are a mind reader. So, the interviewers ask me if I am organised. Then ask me if I procrastinate. Yes. Whatever. I still don’t know how I manage to get straight As for my A levels. I was literally playing computer games (Bloons TD Battles) on the very week of the exams. And watching musicals (Miss Saigon) in order to get inspired to study for my history exam. The rest of my time is spent being dejected because I am depressed at being stuck in a stressful school system. And yet I manage to pull it off. In Sec 3 I got an A for physics despite not doing any practice papers before mid-years. Whatever. I am book smart. Socially awkward.
They ask me a bunch of things related to current affairs. Well the news is propaganda. I have some opinions but I can’t possibly say the truth because my opinions are anti-establishment. And I cannot lie because I am so socially awkward and have such bad anxiety. I was already shaking when I entered the office.
And the interview ended with them asking me for an opinion as to why China and the US are disputing. I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE ECONOMY. Decroissance. WE NEED DECROISSANCE. Trade wars, nuclear rearmament, BURN IT ALL DOWN. The north pole is melting. HEAR YE, THE POLAR ICE CAPS ARE MELTING. THE POLAR BEARS ARE DYING. Humanity needs to go a Thanos snap. RUSSIA HAS WARM WATER NOW. GREAT! China is remaking the silk road. Great. Huawei is corrupt. I’m not sure, but either way, great. Trump the Tramp is a crazy fuck. Great! Peeping toms and rape isn’t immoral anyway! Mr Kim from the land is Goguryeo’s modern day manifestation is crazy. Great! Nuclear winter, and in a few thousand or million years NATURE WON’T GIVE A DAMN THAT WE ARE GONE.


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