blood, gallons of the stuff

16 Jan 2019

I had six hours of sleeplessness last night overthinking about what I was going to write. And when I wake up after not sleeping enough this morning, I promptly forget about it.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional so just treat what I say as if I am some other creature coming from another planet. Also, squeamish guys please f the f off.
So, I wanted to write about blood. Two types of blood that are interconnected, because of course they would be, they are from the same body.
Menstrual blood which comes out clotted and brown and dried from an orifice in your nether regions, the vagina, which is absorbed by cotton and other synthetic fibres. And the blood which you donate which comes from a carefully selected and pierced vein in your arm which flows smoothly and warm into a silicone bag.
And how when one of it happens, the other is affected. Like, how I normally have five or six days of period with the first three days being very heavy. However, if in the middle of the month prior to that period, I donated blood, then my period lasted only three days with about 1.5 heavy day and mild spotting for the rest of the days. It’s quite magical and probably useful if you want to control the severity of your period.
So, this pattern was what I noticed after donating blood in august 2018. But the net time I donated blood, in December 2018, the subsequent period had less of an effect which I would even go as far as to say that it has something to do with my haemoglobin levels being 15.0 at that time. Which is pretty high. So, there was probably minimal impact on the reconstruction of my uterine lining which is then shed.
Well here’s a whole load of nothing.


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