A Tale of 17 Year Olds

25 Apr 2019

So, there’s this story I heard when I was in school. It was 2017 and “class Instagram pages” were all the rage. It was just a more sophisticated way to cyberbully, for all I care. And of course, the nerdier kids use those things to publish memes which usually flopped (if you’re me cos I’m sort of a normie) and its kind of just a piece of bs. There were some really incriminating unglams, including most people who even attended school, you get your picture paparazzi-ed unknowingly, and the photos taken are without permission and once the page is frozen there is no way of removing those photographs, for a person who has somehow lost the password to the page. Pathetic, I know. Blatant cyberbullying.
I heard of this story regarding a friend’s classes’ Instagram page. It was sometime in early October, I suppose. One day there was a huge mountain of story posts made by some student and more people started creating more Instagram stories on the same class page, and it was a way to communicate anonymously, because the password was known to everyone in the class and they were able to access it. It was a public page I think, and perhaps there were some posts that reek more strongly of cyberbullying than usual, as what hormonally challenged 17-year olds do on social media, especially since its supposedly anonymous.
Then the next day there was a commotion in the class and as it appears the class page has been used to follow a bunch of explicit pages? And the student leaders were frantic. They froze the page and unfollowed all those indecent pages. They tried to find out who the perpetrator was, such as by linking the incident to the person who has been posting those Instagram stories the night before. But as that “mode of communication” gone viral there were supposedly way too many people involved to pin down who the bad guy was. I don’t know if it was found. But I checked out that page and since then there has been almost no news, so it is assumed that the student leaders froze the page.
Yeah, I don’t know what a bunch of 17-year-old junior college students are doing following a bunch of Instagram pages that post nudes. There are a ton of them I know.
After writing a ton I did not manage to get to the point of the essay. What I wanted to say is that Instagram pages that are made to represent a group of people, especially an un-bonded one, is simply a platform for blatant bullying and I HATE it.


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