AY2022/23 Semester 2 Module Ramblings
19/08/23 Or rants vaguely related to school. Problems. Really. I like your funny words, magic man. Magic man, as referring to Denji. He speaks funny words. Volume = pitch and quads = glutes. The most egregious of which is belief = practice. Predictions I am not sure why I feel qualified to make predictions now (6 th May), when I have not even finished submitting my assignments. I have one pending forum post. It is worth up to 8.5%. But I think I’ll just skip that one. I am tired. CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems Predicted: B+ Actual: A I want to extend my gratitude to Denji for helping me with the lab assignments. Dining philosophers are just as fun as I had almost learnt them one and a half years back. Too bad they didn’t manage to somehow relate the josephus problem to operating systems, that would’ve been cool. CS4222 Wireless Networking Predicted: B Actual: A- Once again, I want to extend my gratitude to Denji for helping me with the group assignm...