
Showing posts from November, 2022

I Write Like Diarrhoea

30/11/22 "I know not, whether the reader will readily apprehend this reasoning. I am afraid, that, should I multiply words about it, or throw it into a greater variety of lights, it would only become more obscure and intricate. In all abstract reasonings, there is one point of view, which, if we can happily hit, we shall go farther towards illustrating the subject, than by all the eloquence and copious expression in the world."

Recurrence – CL3203, CS1101E Part 5

16/11/22 Recurrence. As in, Recurrence Relations. But also, as in, Eternal Recurrence. And to that I say, my brain is about as smooth as chicken breast now! So was sir-eternal-recurrence who died of a softening of the brain. I actually have nothing to say about the latter, ‘01e. But this is the only thing that I have not mentioned and insofar as mentioned, butchered. So heres me, module code butchering. As of today, 09/11/22, my x mod 6 = 1 is done. Why do I say “my” so endearingly, as if I am sure that they do not totally want me dead or something? And if they do, I might get expelled. Actually no. I still have things to do. So……did I “regain my personhood” as I had hoped to do at the start? I mean…, this is an ok time to ask, after all, all the interaction part is over already. I don’t know. I think? Maybe? Is Nietzsche a proto-Nazi? My head is a mess and I have a final like tomorrow. I think I might want to write a Part 6, maybe after all exams are over, or maybe during ...