
Showing posts from July, 2021

AY2020/21 Semester 2 Module Ramblings

 posted: 03/07/21 (last edited: 17/06/21) Officially falling prey to the Dunning-Kruger effect? Interesting . CS2105 Introduction to Computer Networks MCs: 4 Expected Grade: A- Actual Grade: A Workload: Very manageable if you start your assignments early The lecture slides call this module “An Awesome Introduction to Computer Networks”. Reality is not too far off, I guess. Doesn’t really go in depth to each part of networking, but this is an introductory module, after all, so that’s acceptable. Knowing the difference between UDP and TCP is important for technical interviews, so this is a good module to take early, ideally before you start applying for internships. Enjoyed the first half of the module more than the second half because Prof Ma appeared more prepared for lectures than Prof Zimmermann, though I think Prof Zimmermann is more experienced. Assignments were pretty “hands-on”, I think? It seems like something that can be applied to real life programming, s...

AY2020/21 Semester 1 Module Ramblings

posted: 03/07/21 (last edited: 25/12/20) My essay on cats got me an A? Interesting .   CP2106 Independent Software Development Project (Orbital) MCs: 4 Expected Grade: CS Actual Grade: CS Workload: As much as you want, as much as you are willing to be a burden. This is a pass/fail independent pair-work project module available for first year computing students. It is done during summer break, and you are free to create any software you want for this module. It is very much self-study with negligible guidance. As such, learning varies as well. If you just want to get free MCs, it really isn’t much work at all. My partner and I decided to make a game in Unity. This turned out to be more difficult than I expected, and I couldn’t grasp how to use the tech stack even till the end. Which meant that I was pretty much deadweight for most of the project. So, this also means that your friendship may suffer depending on who you choose to pair up with. It has “software” in ...

It Will Settle Itself Somehow

 030721   At the start of the semester, or rather, before the start of Year 2 Semester 2, I had set myself 3 non-academic related goals to accomplish. Is it hubris? Anyway, I knew that the academic grades can’t be too bad, considering my past record. So, I didn’t concern myself with setting goals for academics, I just let it be, and take it as it comes while trying my best. I guess even amongst all that rock-bottom self-confidence, all that moping, all that saying that I’m gonna die, all of the crying, I guess somehow, I subconsciously know that I can actually do it, quite well, satisfactorily enough. Except this voice is drowned out by the other hostile voices, which are much louder and more aggressive. “Intrusive thoughts”, as they are termed. Well, that was quite a tangent, but I must go back to the 3 goals I set for myself. 3 things I needed to do. 1.        Start getting help for my mental health. I guess it mostly means starting to ge...