Random Psych Things.


(Cos apparently even though I have become too shite at writing, but not over social sciences yet.)

Theory of Mind: the idea of being able to identify your own desires and understand that other people may have different goals and desires than yourself. It is said that people who have autism spectrum disorder will often have a deficit in this, being unable to read the emotions of other people.

27 different emotions: I learnt today that there are actually 27 different distinct emotions, which is more than the 6 emotions that people used to think existed. I am quite surprised at this large number. I thought it was something more like 5 basic emotions, considering that one black mirror episode where they talked about how cookie’s rights and how they were required to be able to express at least 5 different emotions in order to be ethical. Black Museum, I think. Instead there are 27 different emotions.

Here is the list of emotions: admiration, adoration, aesthetic appreciation,  amusement, anger, anxiety, awe, awkwardness, boredom,  calmness, confusion, craving, disgust, empathic pain,  entrancement, excitement, fear, horror, interest, joy, nostalgia,  relief, romance, sadness, satisfaction, sexual desire, surprise.

They also mentioned that hunger is not an emotion, I think. I’m surprised that “lust” isn’t an emotion, but I guess sexual desire fits that as well.

What is the emotion I feel whenever I hear or read any news about Mic? Perhaps something like envy? But it is not listed here as well. I think that’s a bad list.

What is the emotion I feel whenever I feel wronged and trapped or I see my favorite characters being trapped? Indignation? Also, not there.

Another list (from Forbes, a website I hate because of their anti-AdBlock), here:



Aesthetic Appreciation










Empathetic pain












Sexual desire



Somehow this list seems more complete. I don’t know, I never checked if it’s even 27 emotions. It could be 72 for all I know.

I don’t have much clue what I am doing right now. having pretty bad cramps, so I resorted to using my laptop to blog while hiding under the blanket on my bed and it is not 3pm and Dad only just woke up so pretty weird.

I am also supposed to be in the middle of a Hackathon right now. If it helps in any way with my memory, or if it matters in any way, the people I am doing this with are: JL, Rei, Eva and Eve. The peeps from JC. Out of all of us, I’m guessing JL and Eve have Hackathon experience. JL did one in the middle of last year, sometime at the start of the 19/20 AY. And Eve just completed another app building Hackathon earlier this month. So, they know what to do. Rei is doing my Orbital CP2106. I phrase it this way intentionally, because Rei is doing the project while I am being a burden. Eva is in FASS and we somehow decided that Eva can do the writing and slides stuff, and oh boy, does she do it really well! I am impressed.

But Sashimi is useless as fuck. Very useless. Useless in CP2106. Useless in this Hackathon. And when Eve was finding people for another Hackathon / project thing earlier last month, I said that I wanted to join that too. A 3 month-ish thing that is due by July. Consisting of 4 people, Sashimi, Eve, JL, and Eve’s friend, Wei. And Sashimi is useless as fuck here too.

I’ve been having insomnia recently. Certainly not as bad as Cheryl’s “don’t sleep till morning tossing and turning”. But I have a lot on my mind whenever I lie on the bed. Mainly a lot about modules, academics, and which modules I am gonna take next semester, if I am gonna overload, and what minors I am gonna take and if its actually possible to do a second major in, say, math or smth. And I will start listing the modules I’m gonna take and thinking about that for a long time.

Sashimi is useless. Sashimi is really useless. In fact, Sashimi is fucking autistic too. Also, the title of this should become “Sashimi is so goddamn fucking useless”. Sashimi is trigger-happily jumping into tons of projects when she lacks the motivation to even brush her teeth in the morning. Okay that felt like a personal affront. Also, what the fuck am I even doing, talking to myself in, what, prose? Ew. Where did I learn such bad writing habits from. There’s no separation of ego and alter-ego. Dostoyevsky uses an actual character for the alter, and Camus uses extremely strong vibes. But here I am just committing verbal diarrhea.

Thus, in conclusion, Sashimi is useless.

Back to the Hackathon which is ongoing now. What did we expect? I am a coder whose world begins with cin and ends with cout. I deadass cant program anything. Interesting facts: one person’s worst grade is another person’s best grade. Anyway, I am a burden and I shouldn’t have joined. Had I not joined; they may have had the chance to find someone else who can do more useful stuff than fucking Sashimi who just gets sliced by a knife.

I am a useless crazy burden. Cout.


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