AY2019/20 Semester 2 Module Reviews
18/11/20 (18/11/20) Only reason I am turning back to this is because it seems long overdue. And this current semester is ending soon, and it reflects badly on me (to myself) if I am still not done with this after like, half a year. But let’s not deny the fact that the main reason for this is because I am procrastinating actual studying. (25/05/20) Hey hey, ho ho, my procrastination has got to go. This is the second essay thing I have started on when I am supposed to be working on my 5 goddamn projects. Urghhhhh. The end of this semester concludes my first year at NUS. It has been…a lot. A lot of studying, a lot of trying too hard, a lot of trying to be a snake and ending up getting snaked. A lot of having my social anxiety be confronted to the max. I took 24 MCs this semester, which was bad because it is a lot of work, but also good because bless Corona which happened, taking everything online, and giving us more S/Us to use which I may need. This sem...